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Paucartambo - English Version

DocumentalDirigido por: Michael Net
Festividades y Tradiciones
Película1h 0m0Español

"Paucartambo" is an observational documentary developed in the “Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen de Paucartambo”, through a Maqta dancer and the Qollas troupe, intense encounters are portrayed that reflect the depth between the Andean worldview and Peruvian syncretism. With an immersive narrative it tells the myth about the arrival of the Virgen del Carmen and how it transcended into a legacy that has been celebrated for four centuries - it is a collective catharsis that seeks to reconnect with local traditions and the essence of an ancestral legacy.

Por qué verla

"Paucartambo" is a documentary that delves into the rich Andean tradition of the Virgen del Carmen festival. Through dance, music, and satirical narratives, it captures the devotion and cultural syncretism that unite the community. Two narrators, including a young Maqta dancer, guide us through this mystical portrait, celebrating the beauty and legacy of this four-century-old festival.